Rapid Recovery with Titan SARMs SOCOM II Stack
Rapid Recovery with Titan SARMs SOCOM II Stack: From Injury and Initial Search for Solutions to Final Thoughts and Recommendations
“In October 2023, I faced a significant setback when I tore my distal bicep tendon. The period leading up to a proper diagnosis and scheduling the surgery was frustrating.
During this time I started exploring options to not only heal my injury but to regain my pre-injury strength.
Titan Performance frequently appeared in my feed, showcasing various stacks.
Initially, I dismissed it, thinking it wasn't for me.

By April, with my surgery date approaching, I decided to reach out to Titan Performance via Instagram.
My questions about their products were met with a kind response and detailed scientific explanations.
They recommended the SOCOM II stack as the best choice for my recovery. I purchased it and waited for my surgery.

After the surgery, I was in a cast for two weeks, limiting my activities. I focused on working on my left side and mobility exercises.
Once the cast was off, I immediately began using the SOCOM II stack.
While in a brace for six weeks, my range of motion improved significantly each week, starting at 40 degrees and progressing to zero.

Halfway through physical therapy, my therapist noticed my advanced range of motion, grip strength, wrist rotation, and pain tolerance.
I was released from therapy after just eight weeks because they felt I no longer needed it.
Additionally, I was freed from my brace, a huge relief.

I started light with weights, beginning with 95lbs cleans and quickly progressing to 185lbs without any lingering pain. My grip strength improved to 160 PSI in my right hand.
By eight weeks post-surgery, my doctor cleared me for heavy lifting, astonished at the rapid recovery. He noted that most patients take at least six months to regain full strength.

I recently achieved a clean and jerk at 245lbs, matching my pre-injury heaviest lift. Other lifts have also returned: 315lbs bench press, 465lbs squat, and 315lbs good mornings. Although I haven't gone heavy on deadlifts yet, I managed 315lbs for 45 reps.
My fitness routine now includes muscle-ups, farmer's carries, snatch work, and other exercises I missed. Additionally, I'm running 5 miles at a 7:30 min/mile pace at 182lbs, close to my optimal weight of 174-176lbs for running, swimming, metcons, and rucks.

Initially skeptical about SOCOM II's claims of use by Tier 1 units and its effectiveness for recovery, I am now a firm believer. The stack has significantly improved my O2 levels, muscle mass, and overall recovery.
If anyone is looking to bounce back from an injury stronger than before, I highly recommend the SOCOM II stack. Titan Performance provides scientific backing for their products, and their team is supportive without being pushy.
This testimony is unpaid, and I'm genuinely glad to share the benefits of this stack.”