Domestic: 3-5 business days.
International: 10-14 business days.
S (Selective) A (Androgen) R (Re uptake) M (Modulators). They do just that; Selecting specific (bone and muscle) Androgen receptors as opposed to organ and prostate (the bad kind) Re up taking those which causes a continuous communication between muscle cells and the signals from the brain and other systems to tell them “grow”. The Modulation is exerted by this influence of protein synthesis.
This is why they were created. By researchers who noticed the need for kids and women who had muscle wasting/degenerative diseases. Given traditional testosterone and like compounds, the obvious side effects arose in these populations, so hence the (muscle tissue and bone specific Selectivity) of SARMS was made.
There’s specific SARMs for specific outcomes. All of them, exerting their effects via those Signals. Cardarine and SR9009 sends the “cardiac pulses” that tells the heart to “pump more effectively”, the lungs, to “maximize oxygen capacity”. Mk677 to pulse the Pituitary gland to “release more growth hormone” and block bad hormones that block growth hormone. RAD140 and Ligandrol to decrease cortisol (and other anti catabolic hormone) production. Doing so by 60-70%. To increase calcium deposits in bones, making them stronger. To increase exogenous testosterone. Amongst others. YK11 to decrease the regulator in the body that limits muscle growth; Myostatin. To increase the Follistatin; a de regulating protein that increases anabolism. S4 and S23 by signaling the metabolism via several mechanisms to “burn more fat”. Etc.
So in layman’s terms, they’re communicators. Linguists/negotiators for the muscles/bones to other body systems and functions.
Nothing more than creatine. For the SOCOM Stacks, there are no side effects. For stronger SARMs, there is mild water retention.
Yes check out our resources page at:
SARMs cannot be detected on any DOD/ or contractor Urinalysis test. As only general anabolics, THC and narcotics are on such tests. They can be detected on collegiate, IOC Olympic and professional athletic U/A’s.
Your diet should be your macros according to your body weight. Protein at a minimum of a gram per pound of bodyweight. Carbs at 3 grams minimum per pound or bodyweight and fats at 1/4- 1/3 gram per pound of bodyweight. However, this is a general guideline and here at Titan Performance we don’t like generalizations as everyone is a specific individual. Therefore we will provide free nutrition and training consultation and program with all stack purchases.
This is a common yet very open ended question as each stack yields its own set of results according to specific goals. So training and eating adjusts accordingly.
100% of your gains,| on average 4-6 months. That's why it's recommended to cycle 2-3x per year. That said, you'll keep on average 50% of your gains for as long as you continue training and eating properly. couple times and That's even if you only used them never again.
SARMs are 100% fully legal in the United States. As for other countries, in some they are and others they are not.
Yes, not only do we but just like all of our domestic orders come with free shipping, so do overseas parcels.
There's no difference in effects of or any side effects with liquids vs capsules. The pro with capsules is the doses are already measured and the con with dropper is the user has to measure each dose at each dosing period. However the pro with droppers is they allow for micro dosing and the con with capsules is that option is not there.
SARMs work via increasing sensitivity in androgen receptors amongst many other other mechanisms. Its results are primarily aesthetic and performance with recovery and regeneration being secondary. Peptides peptides are short sequenced amino acids and cause specific actions in specific body regeneration primarily and aesthetic and performance being systems for specific results. Those results are recovery and secondary.
For SOCOM stacks 1 and 2, 2nd strongest bulk or cut stacks 4-6 weeks since they're entry level. For the strongest bulk or cut stack 6-8 weeks.
Yes, being highly synergistic as SARMs make the androgen receptor more sensitive thus allowing testosterone to attach to it more easily and longer. Amongst other things.
Absolutely. Every customer that was pre op or post op has surgeons and or PT's with the time in which they recovered and the the density of the actual ligament, muscle or bone they were injured in.
No. You'll need to see an andrology or endo doc as only some form of TRT would be investigated.
At a minimum of 21. Under aged customers will not be sold any nor any related products.
The SOCOM 1 yields more endurance but still a notable increase in lean mass and strength. The SOCOM 2 yields less endurance yet still notable but more lean mass and strength than 1.
Depends on the SARM and stack. Generally the endurance compounds 1-3 days. The initial energy increase and libido increase the first | dose. Within 5-7 days the cardiovascular increases and those continue to increase until ending. The bulking agents within a week you'll see power before strength and the size can be anywhere from 7-10 days and all three continue to increase until ending. The cutting ones within the same timing and the recomp just seem to come out of nowhere and of course all of this diet and training dependent.
It depends. If your goal is weight loss and recomp then I wouldn't go on a 12 week deficit as that's unhealthy to restrict that long but do a week of maintenance intake restriction. Do this through the entirety of the cycle.
The stronger ones such as Ligandrol, RAD140 and YK11 can make you more aggressive only in the gym as it pertains to training intensity.
You should take them everyday regardless if you’re training or not in order to keep the cycle on course. Therefore it is not recommended to miss any doses.
Cardarine and SR9009. Both are Different mechanisms of actions.
Yes, stacking multiple SARMs together for the duration of the entire cycle is not only more effective but it can be safely done as long as the instructed dosage protocol is adhered to.
Because most are in it just to make the quickest dollar while cutting as many corners as they can.
Because they cost a lot to get even for companies. The raw formulations aren't manufacturing companies so they have to charge us a ton so it's just not cheap by nature.
Yes they do. Just send a request in an email after check out or message us personally at the phone number provided on site.
SR9009 works through more of a nootropic-like path away (REV-ERB agonist) whereas Cardarine works through activation of cellular functions. Cardarine has a much longer half life and SR9009 has a more noticeable cognitive effect. Both increase cardiovascular endurance and both do that in equal fashion. Therefore it's best to stack both.
The strongest bulk stack isn't for beginners as it's too strong - first and foremost. Much more also more sheer mass vs the 2nd strongest is going to be more lean bulk. In terms of numbers: 25-30 lbs mass and 60-70 lbs size and strength but I've heard 100 lbs on major lifts are the strongest. 15 lbs mass and 50 ish ibs on major lifts with 2nd strongest.
Yk11. Is the strongest SARM (dose for dose) exerting its effects by (sending a signal to cells to start dividing and growing rapidly). Used primarily as a bulking agent or in such a cycle. And very common for its users to put on 15+ pounds. These will be of more of a true tissue increase vs water bloat.
Half life; 6-10 hours. It increases bone growth. It does via a DHT-like pathway, according to other cellular studies. YK11 activates protein kinase, which sends signals to increase the activity of bone-building cells. For this reason, regeneration of injury is a very noticeable effect while on it.
In a study, the effect of it on muscle cells was proven to be much higher. The muscle cells produced more anabolic factors when exposed to 500nmol of yk-11 than when exposed to testosterone.
Yk11 was created by scientists at Toho University to treat tissue wasting. This and other Sarms are on their way to doing that, clinically. It is more anabolic and androgenic than DHT. It has been found to improve blood circulation and slow down aging, within cells.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is the strongest of sarms. The receptor communication is most sensitive leading to a massive build up mass, strength in its user. How? The nitrogen balance, appetite and growth factor hormones,increases. The assimilation of proteins is greater. And like with Ostarine, catabolic hormones are lowered. Just at a much higher rate; 50-70% reduction of cortisol - per study.
According to a (placebo-controlled study) published on PubMed it works exactly by mimicking the beneficial effects of natural androgen hormones. Including raising the anaerobic cycle and energy production process as well as facilitating blood circulation.
Half life; 24-36 hours. It has an anabolic<>androgenic ratio of 10:1. Testosterone’s is 1:1. For perspective that’s 11 times more powerful in (tissue building ability) VS it’s side effects. Gains of 3-4 lbs a week for the first 6 weeks are usual.
In a clinical trial, consisting of 120 patients recovering from hip fracture surgery, over 12 weeks, it improved lean body mass as the primary endpoint. Other endpoints include satisfactory results in terms of quality of life, safety, and pharmacokinetics.
During another, participants were randomized to placebo or 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg LGD-4033 daily for 21 days. The study evaluated the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (how it works in the body), and effects of lowering doses. Administered daily for 21 days on lean body mass, muscle strength, stair-climbing power, and sex hormones. Lean mass in the group that was taking just 1.0 mg/day of Ligandrol gained 2.66 lbs. The standard is 15-20 mg per day. That also, shines the perspective of its strength. In this same study users reported an increase in lifting and cardiovascular strength by week three. Ligandrol directly influences utilization of stored fat cells. It also does this by insulin metabolism efficiency.
It stacks well with mk677, Rad140, and yk11 for sheer bulking. S23 and Ostarine for lean bulks. If you want to bulk without diminished cardio, stack it with Cardarine and or sr9009 and any of the fore mentioned. I wouldn't recommend Ligandrol for beginners.
Cardarine; an agonist to the PPAR receptor. This yields dramatic energy conservation/increases. This via raised lipid catabolism (fat burning) in heart and adipose tissue. This usage of fat for fuel is how its anti catabolic effects shine. Leaving the body with more aminos to use for anabolism. More carbs for glycogen synthesis that otherwise would be fed on by the body. It improves cholesterol profile and insulin sensitivity. For this reason, it’s being tested in treatment of diabetes and obesity.
Similar to sr9009, it differs by burning fat as fuel. Sr9009 by raising metabolism/thermogenesis. Cardarine is better out of the two for overall performance.
Half life; 24 hours. It’s been tested in several 2-year studies. There were no adverse effects. It can be run for up to 12-14 weeks. Break time; 4-6 weeks. For performance, it’s best stacked with mk677, sr9009. For cutting, s4 and Ostarine.
Cardarine has proven its health, performance enhancing effects in study after study. One showed it raised HDL (good cholesterol) by 16.9%. At only 10 mg a day, the standard is 50 mg. Reductions? LDL (bad cholesterol by 7.3%, triglycerides -16.9% and free fatty acids - 19.4%. In others, Cardarine increased HDL by an average of 79% (good cholesterol) and decreased LDL (bad cholesterol) 37%. __
In addition, another attribute it generates; inflammatory markers in adipose tissue. This causes additional destruction of stored fats. Thus decreasing activity of genes involved in lipogenesis. Layman terms; able to block fatty acids from forming.
Another study found dramatic oxygen increases in muscle. This is why so many shed minutes off their timed runs. Fibers get increased Vo2 Max. This was seen in laboratory’s subjects with normal oxygen. Also those with oxygen restrictions which proves it targets muscle endurance. Hence increased recovery between sets and workouts.
Ostarine; (Enobosarm) the most versatile SARM. Users can expect a drastic increase in protein synthesis with an equal reduction of catabolic hormones. A steady build up of 1-2 lbs of true tissue increases for the first 6 weeks on average.
This makes it great for first time SARM users. As opposed to Rad140, yk11 or Ligandrol. It is very synergistic with Cardarine, sr9009 and mk677 for the "bigger, stronger faster" state that most want to achieve. Those are also solid beginner choices.
It increases oxygenation in RBC (red blood cell count) which means more endurance. Dramatic glycolysis; more efficient usage of carbs. This expresses itself in intense pumps that last even when leaving the gym. Just a few of the many benefits. Together yielding rapid recovery between sets/reps and workouts.
Half life; 24 hours. Ostarine shines in recomposition. Basically mass can still be gained even on caloric deficits. Hence why it's been used to treat those with tissue wasting disease.
There's numerous studies that reflect the fore mentioned. -
In one, just 1 mg/day increased lean mass by over 3 lbs in subjects who were on calorie restrictions in medical traumas. The other group (3mg/day) by 7 ibs. This suggests that Ostarine is dose dependent. So the higher the dose, the greater the gains. That caps off at 25-50 mg per day. Some of these studies showed improvement with as little as .3 mg/day.
Each of our SARMS have been tested by third parties. We have been around longer than other SARM pop-up companies. We have thousands of real testimonial reviews and results. Our batches are made in the country by a compounding company with verifiable quality control standards. Our staff can be reached and actually interacted with. Our shipping is free and that includes APO/FPO/and DPO’s. All stack purchases include programming vs just leaving customers to fend for themselves.
1) Our quality control standards, purity and dosing accuracy as all of our products are formulated and manufactured in a quality safe compounding facility. That’s actually located in America. Not China which most companies SARMs are.
2) We have third party testing that comes back with each and every batch on all products to reflect the above statements.
3) Our dosing of all products are the highest per dose than any other company out there. Or that was ever there. And the length of both our stacks and individual SARMs are longer than any other company. As the amount per bottle in correlation to the dose per serving is much more.
4) No other company currently hasn’t or hasn’t ever offered training and nutrition programming to go with each stack order to make sure their customers get the most results.
5) No other company stays in touch nor is never even available to talk with someone much less the owner whenever, about whatever in terms of fitness and I actually almost instigate the majority of check in communication. With other companies they get your money and you get a “good luck”.
6) Speaking of which, we actually accept credit cards, Venmo, PayPal and coming soon: after pay options. Most other companies you have to set Bitcoin and other crypto or over shore payment methods.
7) You can see the transformations and results of our products from our actual customers vs just reading what something supposedly did or does. A lot of these other companies will leave testimonials on their own site via paid bots, marketing bots, or bought feedback.
8) We offer overseas shipping including to FPO/DPO and APO’s and just as with our free domestic shipping on all orders, it is as well.
9) If there’s shipping issues you can notify us a day later or a year later and we’ll not only make sure it’s right but overcompensate the order.
10) MTC.
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