Know what to expect.
Ostarine (endobosarm) is the second most versatile sarm. Users can expect a drastic increase in protein synthesis with an equal reduction of catabolic hormones. A steady buildup of 1-2 lbs of true tissue increase for the first 6 weeks on average.
This makes it great for first time SARM users. As opposed to Rad140, yk11 or Ligandrol. It is very synergistic with cardarine, sr9009 and mk677 for the "bigger, stronger, faster" state that most want to achieve. Those also being solid beginner choices.
It increases oxygenation (red blood cell count) which means more endurance. With dramatic glycogen synthesis which means more efficient usage of carbohydrates.
This expresses itself in intense pumps that last even when leaving the gym. And yielding rapid recovery between sets, reps and workouts.
Half-life: 24 hours. Ostarine shines in recomposition.
Basically, mass can still be gained even on caloric deficits. Hence is why it's being prospectively used to treat those with tissue wasting disease.There's numerous studies that reflect the fore mentioned. In one just 1 mg per day increased lean mass by over 3 lbs in subjects, who were on calorie restrictions in medical traumas.
The other group (3mg/day) by 7 lbs. This suggest that Ostarine is dose dependent. So the higher the dose, the greater the gains. That caps off at 25-50 mg day. Some of these studies showed improvement with as little as .3 mg per day.
Dosing: Gains of 7lbs of lean body mass over an 8-week cycle at 20mg a day (diet dependent). It is dose dependent in terms of gains, meaning the higher the dose the more gains possible. Do not exceed 50mg per day. Optimum results with a high protein diet.
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