Know what to expect.
S23 is the strongest cutting sarm. It also shines in bone and injury regeneration and several other areas.
While sparing muscle in caloric deficits and simultaneously burning fat. It does so by attaching itself to the androgen receptors, sticking to it like glue. Studies have shown it to be 30% as strong as testosterone at binding to the AR’s. It also desensitizes the AR to the individual’s natural testosterone. Making the hormones you make naturally more bioavailable. Therefore, increased total vs free testosterone.
S23 is a strong thermogenic. It reduces (lipoprotein lipase) an enzyme that facilitates fat storage. It also breaks up stored fat, triggering fat oxidation. This leads to fat being used as energy, (think of ketosis in a pill) therefore preserving glycogen and muscle tissue.
Half life: 12 hours. It also dramatically increases calcium uptake which is why bone and joint pains cease immediately.
In a study, comparing S23 (3 and 10 mg/kg) and DHT (3 mg/kg) S4, restored injury induced muscle loss equally. However, S23 had larger increases in total body bone mineral density than DHT. So, it is currently active in clinical trials to be used in treating wasting disease.
Typical results; 5-6 pounds of hard vascular tissue and a 2-4% bf reduction with increase in lifts of 10-15%.
As with all SARMs results are well kept post cycle. It stacks well with Yk11 and Cardarine. Adding these two will literally increase those typical results by 3-fold.
S23 is one of most potent SARMs available and isn’t recommended for beginners.
S23 as with all SARMs has its unique mechanisms of action. One is stimulating new muscle cells and bone tissues by mimicking the action of testosterone.
S23 has a higher (androgen receptor binding strength) and produces similar effects to OstarineIt has similar binding strength to Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and is on par for muscle gains but with higher fat loss.
The biggest difference between S23 and other SARMs, is hardening effects on muscle.
Optimal results can be achieved with an S23 dosage of 10-30mg a day. That’s universal for bulking, cutting, and recompense.
If you’re dosing 25 mg and under. Just one dose daily is sufficient. If over and it should be divided into two doses daily as its half-life is 12 hours but 80% of it absorbs and peaks at 4-6 hours. Never exceed 12 weeks cycles.
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It stacks well with Yk11 and Cardarine. Adding these two will literally increase those typical results by 3 fold.
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