Know what to expect.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is the strongest of sarms. The receptor communication is most sensitive leading to a massive build up mass and strength in its user. This by yielding a positive nitrogen balance, appetite increase and release of growth factor hormones. Along with suppression of catabolic (muscle wasting) hormones. At a rate 50-70% reduction of cortisol, according to study’s.
In a placebo-controlled study (published on PubMed) it works exactly by mimicking the beneficial effects of natural androgen hormones. Including rising the anaerobic cycle and energy production process as well as facilitating blood circulation.
Half-life: 24-36 hours. It has an anabolic<>androgenic ratio of 10:1. Testosterone’s is 1:1. For perspective that’s 11 times more powerful in tissue building ability VS side effects ratio. Gains of 3-4 lbs a week for the first 6 weeks are usual.
In a clinical trial consisting of 120 patients recovering from hip fracture surgery, over 12 weeks, it improved lean body mass. These patients recovered 3-fold on average faster than the placebo. Additionally, satisfactory results in terms of quality of life, safety, and pharmacokinetics.
In yet another study, participants were randomized to placebo or 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 mg LGD-4033 daily for 21 days. The study evaluated the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (how it works in the body), and effects of lowering doses.
Administered daily for 21 days on lean body mass, muscle strength, stair-climbing power, and sex hormones. Lean mass in the group that was taking just 1.0 mg/day of Ligandrol gained 2.66 lbs. The standard is 15-20 mg per day. That also, shines perspective of its strength.
In this same study users reported an increase in lifting and cardiovascular strength by week three. Ligandrol directly influences utilization of stored fat cells. It’s also does this by insulin metabolism efficiency.
It stacks well with mk677, Rad140, and yk11 for sheer bulking. S23 and ostarine for lean bulks. If you want to bulk without diminished cardio, stack it with cardarine and or sr9009 and any of the fore mentioned. I wouldn't recommend ligandrol for beginners.
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is the strongest of all SARMs, in terms of mass gain. It’s in a group of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that are tissue selective. Thus, created to cure muscle wasting linked to acute and chronic diseases, age related muscle loss and cancer. LGD-4033 yields the healing benefits of testosterone with better safety, admissibility and patient acceptance due to its tissue selective mechanism of action and oral administration.
For bulking, suggested dosage is 10-15 mg per day for 8-12 weeks. For cutting the dosage is 3-5 mg per day for 8 weeks with a restricted caloric intake.
For recomposition the dosage should be 5-8 mg per day for 8 weeks with adjusted macros accordingly.
Optimal results with a high protein diet and of course hard training. As with anything, SARMs should not replace correct nutrition and training.
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